Be Kind and Love

Have you ever believed in something so much it hurt? That the thought of it being nonexistent made you physically and mentally ill? That gut-wrenching, heart-stopping fear replaces the sparkling light of hope inside of you. If you knew that it would all end tomorrow and you would be left with nothing, would you still believe in it? Would you still hold on to the faith that it could withstand anything life could throw at you?

Do you know the feeling I speak of? It is love.

I believe looking into another’s eyes can tell you a story. One’s eyes tell a story when you’re willing to look for the expressions within them. If you only take the time to notice. Your eyes sparkle and shine when you are happy. The dark clouds arise when a storm rages on within your eyes when you are sad but my favorite is the way your eyes look when we are in love. Your eyes gleam with hope and widen to try to take in everything around them to keep the memory of the moment captured.

Love makes you do unthinkable things. Both good and bad. It can make you fall for people that maybe you shouldn’t but you get so caught up in the sudden overwhelming connection you share that you just go with it. The adrenaline you feel flowing through your veins when you take your first kiss can never be replaced. The thrill of being in love awakens something deep inside of you. Once you feel it, you long for its company. You do everything within your power to keep it within your grasp.

Love is not defined to be a certain way. You love who you love. No one can tell you who to love and if they do, they are mistaken. It is your free will to love who you wish. Love can leave you breathless and it can leave you shattered. It can be your saving grace and it can be the death of you.

A love of a friend has seen me through troubled and difficult times. She has held my hand to keep me from falling apart. She has dried my endless tears and helped pick up the pieces to my once shattered heart. She’s helped me realize I will never be alone in this world. She will be there whenever I call. A true friend she is, but my sister is what I call her. We may not be blood-related but our hearts are forever entwined with one another. Every pain either of us feels is felt by the other; every joy, and every uncertainty. Together we will make it through anything. Sisters we will forever be.

A love of a good man has shown me it is okay to be imperfect in this world demanding women be perfect. Some days I’m moody and some days I’ve got everything together. No matter what shape I’m in, he loves me for me. He loves me for my soul and that’s what is important. Our appearance may vary as we age but our souls will remain the same. My heart is his and it will forever be.

I believe myself to be a strong person. I can take a lot and do my best to push through when I feel like I cannot. But these two people in my life are my anchor in the storm I call life. They support me in anything and everything I do. Without them, I would be lost, and I can say they know my soul, and that’s saying something because I don’t often let people in.

If you can knock down the walls of someone who is guarded and who has been hurt in the past, make sure you hold on to them. They are worth it. They are the people who need to be loved and saved. They may fight you every step of the way but they are worth fighting for.

I wrote this for many reasons. To share with the people I hold dear to my heart and for those who may be lost right now. This world seems to be crumbling and within it lies many people who are not feeling the power of love. They feel alone and invisible. I hope you take the time to check in with the ones you believe are strong. It is the strongest who carry the heaviest loads. They hide their troubles and keep to themselves to keep from showing weakness.

We all fall down sometimes and that’s okay. What is important is that you are there to help someone up again. We all need a friend sometimes and family doesn’t always run blood deep. Love is love. No matter in what form you choose to express it. The world needs more open-minded and non-judgmental people. If given the choice I hope you choose love and kindness. Because YOU can be the difference in turning someone’s day around.

Be kind and love. <3

2 thoughts on “Be Kind and Love

  1. Bre Miller

    Absolutely love you and this!! 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️

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