They’re watching…

While this may seem like a simple comment. I’ve come to understand it on a deeper level. I work hard on creating eye-catching images to go with quotes from my books. Humans are naturally get-to-the-point creatures. They want information as soon as possible. Books take time for you to fall in love with them. Unlike a song or a piece of art, that you can within seconds to minutes decided whether or not you like it.

Books take longer. Both to create and read. It takes a certain amount of perseverance to finish.

I mentioned to my husband that I can see how many views the images, writings, and other things receive. Yet hardly anyone reacts to them. I go back and forth on whether or not what I’m doing is working. Am I reaching the audience I’m searching for or am I simply talking to a wall?
I still don’t have an answer to that question. I can say that I’ve been learning and trying to better my craft. I hope that I’m reaching someone. Even though they are silent, I know they are watching.

How do I know?

By the reviews I’ve been receiving.

Reviews mean more to an author than readers seem to understand. When you post a book review or even a comment on a piece of work, it is both humbling and rewarding. We get to see that what we’ve created has been absorbed and understood. That our words mean something to you. We’ve made a difference in your life, even if just for a second.

My message here is to any artist, writer, or creator of any kind. What you do matters. It may seem like you are just shouting into the wind, but someone somewhere is listening and watching.

You are someone’s idol.

Keep going. Keep Creating.

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