The Creative Calling

Some days I feel like I’m not doing enough to further expand my writing. I’m not producing quick enough nor good enough. I’m not marketing my books well. I just feel stuck. If you’re a creative human and are trying to get yourself out there I know you understand where I’m coming from here. I try not to worry about this stuff because I do the best I can with the time I have. Being a stay-at-home mom sounds great but is difficult when you’re trying to write books and market them. Add in the chaos of the pandemic that has put a HUGE damper on your ideas for book sales by eliminating any possibility of book signings. This year has not been the best as I’ve re-released my 1st book in the Unbreakable Series as well as launched the release of the 2nd.

I do not think of myself as an exceptional writer but I do feel that the messages within my books are worthy of being told. If I don’t tell the stories that are placed into my heart, who will?

I was talking with a good friend of mine yesterday and something she said stuck with me. I’ve thought about our conversation and decided to write about it.

So, for the singers, writers, photographers, musicians, artists, painters, actors/actresses. This is for you.

We, the creative, are presented with inspiration for an idea at one point or another. It’s our choice to answer the call to create something from it or not. What you perceive and create may be different from what the audience may find but that’s the beauty of it. We’re given the opportunity to show the world heart and kindness. To show what it’s like to walk in another’s shoes, to travel the world and the imaginary ones.

The creative calling is more than just what meets the eye. We pour every last ounce of ourselves into our creations. We want satisfaction in knowing we have somehow made a difference. Even if to just one person.  I believe that we are given what we are given to shape and mold it in our own ways before sending it out into the universe where it will either be liked or not. We never know until we find the courage to present what we’ve created.

As Gandhi once said, “Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it’s very important that you do it.”

No matter what your creative outlet is. Remember to answer the calling. You never know what doors it will open for you.

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