Walk among the Shifters

Photo from: http://Photo from: http://www.boredpanda.com/the-misadventures-of-a-little-girl-adopted-into-a-mad-world/

When I first met them, I didn’t know they were different. I didn’t know about their special gift. They were just like every other person I had met in my life. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight I observed on that deep dark night a year ago. Now, I can’t imagine my life without them. Without their protection and love.

I don’t usually venture out into the woods that late at night but something summoned me deeper into them. The light of the full moon showed me a path and I took it. Eager anticipation filled my veins and I found my steps quickening into a run. My heart beats faster as I kept a steady pace. I hadn’t felt this feeling before. Like someone or something was pulling me forward. A normal person would’ve been hesitating but not I. I wanted to see what was out there waiting for me.

When I got to a clearing but the creek, I paused and listened. I recognized the voices. They belonged to my friends. Before I could rush out to meet them, I saw them. I saw them transform into wolves. I gasped and backed away from the sight. Is this real or am I dreaming? No. I’m not dreaming. I would’ve remembered going to bed. But, if it isn’t a dream, then how is this possible? Are all of the tales we are told as children true? Are we told them when we are little to maybe show us the unnatural does exist? That the unexplained can be explained?

It takes me a few minutes to catch my breath and to rationalize what I saw. I gather myself the best I can and take steps forward into the clearing before me. I’m no longer scared. They are my friends, even if they are no longer in human form. They encircle me and bow their heads. I smile to them, “Your secret is safe with me.”


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