
I recently found my earlier writings from when I was in Jr. High/High School. Here’s a poem I wrote for my cousin. I gave it to him as a gift at his graduation. Growing up he was not just my cousin but the brother I never had. I still look up to him! He’s a fine man and I’m proud to call him family.

I wonder if he remembers this?


You will always be my hero.

You will never do any wrong in my eyes.
When I was alone and you were with your friends, you would always find time to talk to me.
You don’t know how much I loved the little things
that you used to do for me.
You will always be my hero.

When I was down, you always said those funny words to turn my frown upside down.
I know I could get annoying, but you were not just my cousin, you were my hero.

I know you are soon going to college but I just have one thing to ask. Don’t forget about all the fun times we had.

When things get you down, just remember your little cousin who believes in you and knows you can do anything. Remember how in her eyes you will always be strong.

Just always remember me.
You really will always be my hero.

Be Kind and Love

Have you ever believed in something so much it hurt? That the thought of it being nonexistent made you physically and mentally ill? That gut-wrenching, heart-stopping fear replaces the sparkling light of hope inside of you. If you knew that it would all end tomorrow and you would be left with nothing, would you still believe in it? Would you still hold on to the faith that it could withstand anything life could throw at you?

Do you know the feeling I speak of? It is love.

I believe looking into another’s eyes can tell you a story. One’s eyes tell a story when you’re willing to look for the expressions within them. If you only take the time to notice. Your eyes sparkle and shine when you are happy. The dark clouds arise when a storm rages on within your eyes when you are sad but my favorite is the way your eyes look when we are in love. Your eyes gleam with hope and widen to try to take in everything around them to keep the memory of the moment captured.

Love makes you do unthinkable things. Both good and bad. It can make you fall for people that maybe you shouldn’t but you get so caught up in the sudden overwhelming connection you share that you just go with it. The adrenaline you feel flowing through your veins when you take your first kiss can never be replaced. The thrill of being in love awakens something deep inside of you. Once you feel it, you long for its company. You do everything within your power to keep it within your grasp.

Love is not defined to be a certain way. You love who you love. No one can tell you who to love and if they do, they are mistaken. It is your free will to love who you wish. Love can leave you breathless and it can leave you shattered. It can be your saving grace and it can be the death of you.

A love of a friend has seen me through troubled and difficult times. She has held my hand to keep me from falling apart. She has dried my endless tears and helped pick up the pieces to my once shattered heart. She’s helped me realize I will never be alone in this world. She will be there whenever I call. A true friend she is, but my sister is what I call her. We may not be blood-related but our hearts are forever entwined with one another. Every pain either of us feels is felt by the other; every joy, and every uncertainty. Together we will make it through anything. Sisters we will forever be.

A love of a good man has shown me it is okay to be imperfect in this world demanding women be perfect. Some days I’m moody and some days I’ve got everything together. No matter what shape I’m in, he loves me for me. He loves me for my soul and that’s what is important. Our appearance may vary as we age but our souls will remain the same. My heart is his and it will forever be.

I believe myself to be a strong person. I can take a lot and do my best to push through when I feel like I cannot. But these two people in my life are my anchor in the storm I call life. They support me in anything and everything I do. Without them, I would be lost, and I can say they know my soul, and that’s saying something because I don’t often let people in.

If you can knock down the walls of someone who is guarded and who has been hurt in the past, make sure you hold on to them. They are worth it. They are the people who need to be loved and saved. They may fight you every step of the way but they are worth fighting for.

I wrote this for many reasons. To share with the people I hold dear to my heart and for those who may be lost right now. This world seems to be crumbling and within it lies many people who are not feeling the power of love. They feel alone and invisible. I hope you take the time to check in with the ones you believe are strong. It is the strongest who carry the heaviest loads. They hide their troubles and keep to themselves to keep from showing weakness.

We all fall down sometimes and that’s okay. What is important is that you are there to help someone up again. We all need a friend sometimes and family doesn’t always run blood deep. Love is love. No matter in what form you choose to express it. The world needs more open-minded and non-judgmental people. If given the choice I hope you choose love and kindness. Because YOU can be the difference in turning someone’s day around.

Be kind and love. <3

Thank A Writer

When you get a chance thank a writer.

Without writers, there would be no songs. Without a writer, there would be no books and no recollection of history.

There would be no escape from the trouble of the world.

Writers write.

They write about history. They write about truths. They write about what hurts and what makes your soul come alive.

They write stories that are real. They write about every feeling you have ever experienced and even those you may not have yet.

The stories they tell help you feel a little less alone in this world. They lift you up when you are down. They show you, you can do great things.

They allow us to live many lives in our very short one. They allow us to travel to places that can only be imagined as well as to those here in reality.

Their beautiful magical minds create a safe space for a troubled mind. The loving family you long for when you are lost. They provide the acceptance you search for when you are ashamed of a choice you have made.

Writers show us the beacon of hope and desire, a flame in the darkness, a way to banish hate and overpower even the hardest and scariest times with love.

Without writers where would our world be? Where would you be?

Writing is a form of art and as with any other kind of art you must learn and use it every day to get better at it. I am not an expert nor do I pretend to be but I do love creating. I love seeing where my characters want to take me on their journey of discovery. For me, being about to create something when there was nothing is the greatest accomplishment. If you love what you do, that is truly the only thing that matters. Don’t give up on a dream because you’re afraid it can’t be reached. IT CAN BE REACHED! Keep trying and trying until you make your dream come true. You are the one who has to work for it but you also have to be willing to fall down sometimes. As they say, “Nothing in life worth having is easy.”  Keep going. You will get there. –DRB

Image Walk among the Shifters

Photo from: http://Photo from: http://www.boredpanda.com/the-misadventures-of-a-little-girl-adopted-into-a-mad-world/

When I first met them, I didn’t know they were different. I didn’t know about their special gift. They were just like every other person I had met in my life. Nothing could have prepared me for the sight I observed on that deep dark night a year ago. Now, I can’t imagine my life without them. Without their protection and love.

I don’t usually venture out into the woods that late at night but something summoned me deeper into them. The light of the full moon showed me a path and I took it. Eager anticipation filled my veins and I found my steps quickening into a run. My heart beats faster as I kept a steady pace. I hadn’t felt this feeling before. Like someone or something was pulling me forward. A normal person would’ve been hesitating but not I. I wanted to see what was out there waiting for me.

When I got to a clearing but the creek, I paused and listened. I recognized the voices. They belonged to my friends. Before I could rush out to meet them, I saw them. I saw them transform into wolves. I gasped and backed away from the sight. Is this real or am I dreaming? No. I’m not dreaming. I would’ve remembered going to bed. But, if it isn’t a dream, then how is this possible? Are all of the tales we are told as children true? Are we told them when we are little to maybe show us the unnatural does exist? That the unexplained can be explained?

It takes me a few minutes to catch my breath and to rationalize what I saw. I gather myself the best I can and take steps forward into the clearing before me. I’m no longer scared. They are my friends, even if they are no longer in human form. They encircle me and bow their heads. I smile to them, “Your secret is safe with me.”


Image Protector

I’m a warrior of sorts. I guide those who are lost, the wounded, and forgotten. It pains me to see how some are treated in this world. Tossed aside without a second thought because they think differently from everyone else. The reaction to this is anger and hate. I was sent here to protect and help them.

I wish I could have my wings free all of the time. They are the purest part of me. I have to hide them while around humans. They would know I am different and I’m afraid of what they might do to me if they knew my true identity. Few accept and acknowledge the unfamiliar with open arms.

My hope is I won’t have to do this forever. One day we all will get along no matter what our thoughts are, but for now, I will do what I was sent here to do. I will guide the wondering and protect them the best I can.