You asked and I answered!

I’ve had a few people send me questions and I thought it would be easier to compile them here with my answers as some of them are asked often. So, here it goes!

When did you decide to be a writer and how did you decide to write books?

I was in Jr. High when I began writing. I enjoyed reading but my true love was writing. I started with poetry as it was a way of getting my feeling out. I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings or talking about them with others. I choose to keep them bottled up inside and we all know that isn’t a good way to be. I’m still not very talkative about myself and I probably will always remain this way.

Writing has been my release and my escape when it comes to hard times in my life. If I didn’t write I wouldn’t have a way to deal with the anxiety and depression that sometimes takes over me. It is a way to deal with life’s struggles and joys. It has given me a way to connect with people I may not have ever come in contact with any other way.
I decided to write books because I enjoy the process. It is tedious, yes, but being able to create your own world and the characters who live in it is an adventure all of its own. Being able to use my imagination to create and explore something like that is extraordinary.

Some writers plan every last detail out in an outline before they ever begin writing the story. NOT ME! I have a vague idea of the story and then I just sit and type away. The story comes to me as it wants and the characters lead the show. I let them take me where they want to go and it really is just that simple for me. I love seeing where the story goes and it is just as much of a surprise to me as it is to the reader, the first time they read it. Well, at least the first draft is. By the tenth revision of the story, I’ve developed a pretty good understanding of it. 😉

Where do you get the ideas for the books you write?

That is an easy question! Most of my ideas come from something that has inspired me. The Unbreakable Series came about because of a story I was told as a young girl. Beyond Judgement first came about because I believe everyone deserves to be happy in this world and to not live with the negativity of others.

Image may contain: text that says 'Open- Open-minded people do not care to be right, they care to understand. There is never a right or wrong answer. Everything is about understanding.'

My main goal with the books I write or the things I share on social media is to get one point across and that point is spread love and kindness. I know I will never be able to wipe out the hate and rejection in this world but I can stand for the good of others. I don’t know why it is so difficult for some to have an open mind about life in general. I know some will believe what they will and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do to change their minds but if I can just get them to think for a millisecond about what their words and expressions do to someone different from them, then maybe I am doing something good. If by reading messages that I post or my books help someone feel less alone in this world then I have succeeded. If I have to take others under my wing and help them through a difficult time or show them, someone, out there cares. Then I will take all of that on willingly. I know how rude and judgmental people can be but not everyone is that way. Some of us accept you for who are. Be the individual you are meant to be and let your light shine. No matter what other people tell you, you are enough and you deserve happiness in any form you seek.


(Picture-Author Unknown)

How long does it take you to write a book?

When I wrote my first book it took me about 5 yrs from starting it to getting it published. Now, I can turn out the first draft in about 2-3 weeks depending on my life at the current moment. It will then take several months of editing many drafts before I send it to my publisher for their approval. After that, they set up a publishing date and we go from there!

Everyone’s writing journey is different. Am I a perfect writer? NO. Do I pretend to be? NO.
I am doing what I love and for me, that’s the important thing.

What do you want to say to young aspiring writers?


I know it sounds simple but until you’ve been rejected and picked on for your writing you will not fully understand what I’m talking about. Most readers will enjoy your work and compliment you and some want nothing more than to pick at every little thing they find wrong. You are told to take nothing personal but that’s exactly what you’ll do. How could you not? You’ve spent hours upon hours writing this. Your heart and tears have been instilled into it and yet someone has to be negative.

If their criticism is constructive, take what you can out of it. Learn from it and forget the rest. I’m still learning how to only take constructive criticism. I’m not good at taking good compliments because I feel either they aren’t truthful or they are just being nice. But, boy oh boy, tell me something bad about my writing and I will take that to heart! I don’t know why. It is how I’m wired I guess.

Write your best story. Work it until you get it as good as you can get and then send it out into the world. It WILL be read and it WILL bring someone happiness. Sure, it’s a little nerve-racking sending your first story out into the world but you will be glad you did.

What is your favorite thing about being a writer and author?

I’ve met many writers through social media. I enjoy connecting with them and chatting with them. I know their struggles and they know mine. We all go through the same stuff. From getting published to rejection. Good reviews and bad. We support one another and push each other to keep on going!

THE BEST thing is meeting new and upcoming writers who seek me out for my advice and help. I SO enjoy this the most. I get to see their work in the beginning stages and I’m able to help them pursue their dream of becoming an author. I’ve had the great privilege of doing just this with a girl I met through the Motherland Fort Salem fandom. We’ve become good friends since. It’s fun to see the excitement in her words and the passion she has for her work.

Please keep sending me questions that you have. I’m happy to answer them!

Ask Debra A Question

Author, Debra R. Bohannon


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Debra R. Bohannon



